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personnel committee中文是什么意思

用"personnel committee"造句"personnel committee"怎么读"personnel committee" in a sentence


  • 人事委员会


  • B : well , i ' m afraid thursday is out for me . i ' m expected to attend a meeting of our personnel committee , and it ' s very important for me to be there
    (唔,我恐怕星期四也不行。我要去参加一个人事委员会的会议,这个会非常重要,我一定得到。 )
  • Professors were invited to express whether they would have an interest in taking up this concurrent responsibility in this summer . the president and vice - chancellor , vice - presidents and the deputy chairman of the personnel committee of the council had met with a number of colleagues interested in the position and made recommendation
用"personnel committee"造句  


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